Media reports from NATO sources indicate that AWACS surveillance flights over Libya may be extended from 10 to 24 hours a day and that the US Air Force AWACS from the 552ACW would be capable of handling this mission.
I have pulled from my db frequencies that have had AWACS activity in the past by the French AF, UK RAF and NATO AWACS aircraft. I do not have any confirmed voicetell frequencies used by any USAF AWACS overseas in the past in my database.
The frequencies below have not been observed in use during this current situation and any intercept reports regarding any military service AWACS missions over Libya are certainly appreciated. You can email me at the email address in the masthead.
French Air Force AWACS Net
4745.0 5307.0 7650.0 8192.5 9050.0 kHz
RAF Command & Control AWACS HF Link
2205.0 4478.5 6673.5 6745.0 8500.5 kHz
3081.0 3089.0 3225.0 3900.0 4542.0 4721.0 4757.0 4779.0 5691.0 6690.0 6695.0 6700.0 6728.0 6754.0 6760.0 6762.5 8971.0 8980.0 8986.5 10315.0 10429.0 12165.0 15016.0 15018.0 17996.5 18009.0 23241.0 kHz